Countries and AJAX Pagination

[Order] Name Ori Name Iso2 Iso3
Bangladesch BD BGD
Barbados BB BRB
Belgien Belgium BE BEL
Belize BZ BLZ
Benin BJ BEN
Bermuda BM BMU
Bhutan BT BTN
Bolivien BO BOL
Bosnien Und Herzegowin BA BIH
Botsuana BW BWA
Bouvetinsel BV BVT
Brasilien BR BRA
Britische Jungferninseln VG VGB
Britische Territorien Im Indischen Ozean IO IOT
Brunei Darussalam BN BRN
Bulgarien Bulgaria BG BGR
Burkina Faso BF BFA
Burundi BI BDI
Chile CL CHL
China CN CHN

Page 2 of 13, showing 20 records out of 241 total

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Key Goals for the AJAX Pagination

The fading is not necessary and only shows more clearly the beginning and end of the AJAX request. Note: Instead of the plugin one could also just use on() event and bind the pagination links to a click event.

How does it work

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