Countries and AJAX Pagination

[Order] Name Ori Name Iso2 Iso3
Mauretanien MR MRT
Montserrat MS MSR
Martinique MQ MTQ
Mauritius MU MUS
Malawi MW MWI
Malaysia MY MYS
Mayotte YT MYT
Namibia NA NAM
Neukaledonien NC NCL
Niger NE NER
Norfolk Insel NF NFK
Nigeria NG NGA
Nicaragua NI NIC
Nepal NP NPL
Nauru NR NRU
Neuseeland NZ NZL
Pakistan PK PAK
Panama PA PAN

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Key Goals for the AJAX Pagination

The fading is not necessary and only shows more clearly the beginning and end of the AJAX request. Note: Instead of the plugin one could also just use on() event and bind the pagination links to a click event.

How does it work

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